Today EmpowerLA sent the VNC Board an official statement on why they recommended cancellation of the May 4th CD-11 Candidate Forum after receiving numerous concerns by the public and board members about the propriety of the forum. Despite some event organizers negating to consider how they may have made a mistake, as well as allegations of “voter suppression” and “censorship” made by local right-wing media and like social media profiles, Empower LA confirmed their reasons for cancellation of the CD 11 Candidate Forum
Some of the reasons cited for the cancellation were:
Unfortunately some board members and their associated media channels directed blame for the forum cancellation toward a VNC board member who has been vocal about the general lack of procedural integrity and questionable restriction of representational capacities towards board members by VNC board leadership.
You may read the entirety of the EMPOWER LA letter below (PDF, 3 pages), or using this link:
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Department of Neighborhood Empowerment – Venice NC Candidate Forum Response”]